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Calvin A. Hunt
We initially contacted Dr. Eugene Arima, who has done extensive research in canoe building. His expertise in canoe building and draftsmanship was a valuable resource for us in each canoe project. Mervyn Child and I travelled to number of museums studying the hull of the many different style of canoes of the Northwest Coast people.
Other canoes we've carved:
Fort Rupert, BC. Kwakiutl Band - 40’ Northern Style Canoe. “U’gwamalis Gixdan” 1997
Comox, BC – 32’ Kwakiutl Canoe “I-Hos”. 1994.
Fort Rupert, BC. Copper Maker Gallery - 32’ Kwakiutl Canoe “Maxwalogwa”. 1993

For information about commissioning a red cedar canoe, a fibreglassed chapats, please feel free to contact us.

Nuu-chah-nulth style 22' chapats - Hunt22

37’ Tlingit Longtail Canoe
2010 Olympic Torch Relay Port Hardy, BC

37’ Tlingit Longtail Canoe
Mervyn Child in foreground, Calvin Hunt in the middle, and Dr. Eugene Arima

37’ Tlingit Longtail Canoe
canoe before the steaming process

37’ Tlingit Longtail Canoe
2010 Olympic Torch Relay Port Hardy, BC
37' Tlingit Longtail Canoe used at the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay, Port Hardy, BC
Carved by Calvin Hunt, Mervyn Child and Dr. Eugene Arima
click the image for more photos of canoes
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