Calvin A. Hunt
Calvin A. Hunt, RCA, BC Aboriginal Achievement Award
Chief TÅ‚asutiwalis, Kwagu'Å‚, Fort Rupert
Hereditary Chief Nas’a̱m’yus, Mowachaht, Friendly Cove
Calvin (1956) is the youngest son of Kwagu'Å‚ Hereditary Chief Thomas Hunt, and Emma, the daughter of a great Mowachaht Chief and shaman, Dr. Billy from the Mowachaht of Yoquot.
His passion for the arts is evident in the pieces he has created in his 55 year career. Calvin is a highly acclaimed Kwagu'Å‚ artist whose exceptional totem poles are renowned.
His works are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Kwakwaka'wakw people and are highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts alike. Each pole is a unique masterpiece that tells stories of the past and present, showcasing the beauty and complexity of First Nations art and culture

My Story
Calvin Hunt, (1956) is the youngest son of Kwagu’Å‚ Hereditary Chief Thomas Hunt, and Emma, the daughter of a great Mowachaht Chief and Shaman, Dr. Billy, from the Mowachaht of Yuquot.
Born into a wealth of traditional values, from 1972 to 1981, Calvin carved full time as an apprentice with Tony Hunt, Sr. (Arts of the Raven Gallery, Victoria, BC.) and worked closely with his life long friend and artist, John Livingston. Moving to his ancestral home of Fort Rupert in 1981, Calvin and his wife, Marie, opened their carving workshop "The Copper Maker" and in 1989 opened the retail art gallery. The gallery’s prophecy has come true, as the gallery and workshop is steeped in a wealth of traditional and contemporary fine art.